
It’s all Smoke and Mirrors!

From complex creations like elephants and castles to simple clean up and paint outs – our VFX illusionists have you covered! They are modern day magicians, who with a simple wave of their wand, make bad things vanish and great things appear and no modern day production could live without them.

The Pipeline

Now of course they’re not really magicians nor do they have wands…… they are a very dedicated and talented group of supervisors and compositors who use Nuke X and Maya to weave their magic and in recent years they have done so for everyone from Ridley Scott to Game of Thrones.  

So, if you need a 3D elephant to walk down Royal Avenue or you want the Armagh of today to look like the London of the 1800s then these are the guys and gals for you! And don’t panic if you’re on location or in another galaxy, our pipeline sits alongside Shotgun so you can review and feedback on any shot from almost anywhere in the world without having to put your phone down!

Like all VFX houses we can ramp up or scale down to meet the needs of each production. Over the last year alone the team have delivered VFX for Game of Thrones, Line Of Duty, Death & Nightingales, Driven and Vanity Fair.

So give them a call – but involve them early, as the best visual effects never wait for post, they’re an integral part of production.